Operation New Mexico
Reaching Out: Operation New Mexico
In the year of 2008, God began to deal with Apostle and Prophetess Blakely, to relocate in Roswell, New Mexico for ministry. While visiting family in New Mexico, the Lord prompted them to go back and begin ministry there. In the fall of November 2009, Apostle Blakely and Co-Pastor Margaret Blakely set out to move there for the next two years. While there, Apostle and Prophetess Blakely connected with many churches, and ministered and taught in the Detention Center for men and women. They did home visits and helped with food distributions with various churches. They engaged themselves to help in whatever capacity was needed. In the fall of 2010, Apostle and Prophetess Blakely started a Bible teaching course titled Foundation Truth and Church Life for 26 weeks. From that work, the Lord established New Birth Ministry, a new ministry that is now operating. In the year of 2012, New Birth Ministries was established under the headship of Michael Branch and Prophetess Lorraine Branch. Apostle Blakely is the overseer for that ministry. God is truly blessing the work and we thank God for the sacrifice and for what God is doing as a result their obedience. Apostle Blakely's goal is to continue to lay foundation for the work of the kingdom. To God be the glory for the things that He is doing, and for the things He has done.